Saturday, August 1, 2009

Atlympics: Round Two is OVER.

Well everyone, the second round of the Atlympics has officially ended. The bracket was released yesterday evening, and the players were anxious to hear the results. So without further delay, here were the results of round two.

Bboys99 (No Level Entered) vs. Force255 (No Level Entered) – Seriously? Another dead round?

Turkeylurkey (No Level Entered) vs. Nobody – Yet another dead round.

Colinnn (Raiding the Temple of Lush) vs. Gary1 (Sacred Realm) – This was an interesting matchup. In the end, I emerged victorious.

Cmmatzat (The Minds of Galtine) vs. Memphiston (No Level Entered) – An easy victory for Cmmatzat!

Scary101 (Rob the Atmosphir Shopping Center!) vs. Nobody – Another easy victory, this time by Scary101!

Boberto (The Spike Tunnels) vs. Tominator (No Level Entered) – Boberto returns with his LOTD-winning Spike Tunnels. Tominator did not upload a level, so an easy victory for Boberto!

Frederik (No Level Entered) vs. Drfuzzyness (Vertigo [Mini09]) – An easy victory for Drfuzzyness.

Creator7 (Air Islands 3 The Return) vs. Wowfunhappy (The Haunted Dimension of the Haunted House) – In a clash between Creator7 and Wowfunhappy, Wowfunhappy eventually took the cake and moved on.

So in closing… there were only two actual matches. Everyone else had an instant win, unless they didn’t make a level. Sort of disappointing. But now that the final rounds are coming, it seems safe to say that only the most dedicated players remain.

So who’s against whom in round three? Let’s take a look.

The three matches in Round Three will be: Colinnn vs. Cmmatzat, Scary101 vs. Boberto, and Drfuzzyness vs. Wowfunhappy.

Wow, it looks like there will be some heated matches, assuming everyone does their part this time. Good luck to these final six!

1 comment:

  1. Damn, I wish I had joined this when I still had a chance. Oh well. :P
