Sunday, July 19, 2009

Level Spotlight: Sacred Realm by Gary1, Atlympics Notice, Thread Notes

When you’re looking for a tough challenge on Atmosphir, a majority of the “hard” levels are filled to the capacity limit with traps. A common example would be a single-floor level with spinning spike traps everywhere you see. While a level like this can indeed be challenging, it is also very frustrating. There is rarely any actual design to it- Rather, the creator most likely randomly placed traps everywhere with no particular plan or pattern. Conquering these levels is not based off of skill (though I’m sure some is required), but rather it is based off of frantic moving and jumping, in hopes to avoid being killed or harmed.

That is why I would like to focus on Sacred Realm by Gary1 for The Atmosphiran’s very first level spotlight. The main attraction I see in this level is that it is hardly based off of hazard props. Where they are used, they are incredibly easy to dodge, and probably aren’t intended to kill. The true challenge comes from the jumping techniques used.

The first part of the level focuses on sets of blocks that are roughly 3 spaces in diameter. Using the jump and speed powerups you find on each platform, you are supposed to leap to each one. At the end, there is a checkpoint. Next, there is a room filled with monsters and spinning spike traps. It’s a pretty easy concept. Once you’ve killed all of them (They are needed to finish the level. If you kill all of them, you will need one more to reach the goal. Climbing up the nearby vines, you will find some more speed and jump powerups. You make a long jump to reach the Muka box located between two rows of trees. Once you pull yourself over, you will reach your second checkpoint. Here you will find a trail of colored blocks that you must jump along. I really don’t have any suggestions for you here. Just take the process slowly, and eventually you will reach the newly added third checkpoint. Here is the point that many get stuck on. There are five rocks that zigzag across the pit to the fourth checkpoint. I actually have a couple tips for you at this point. First, you don’t have to jump on each rock. You have enough speed and jump powerups that you can jump across the three rocks in a row, and reach the checkpoint. My second tip is to aim for the lower platforms if you fall. You may have to do the whole level over again, but I feel that it is better than losing a life. Make sure you do not touch another checkpoint, however. Once this part is over, tag the checkpoint and jump onto the water above (Does that sound right? I didn’t think so). Use the logs to move along. The hardest part in my mind is this part: The fence. I have terrible luck with these. My only tip for this part is this: Run, full-speed, at the bridge, as soon as you touch down on the fence, jump again. If you get lucky and landed on a post, you will jump onto the grass above. If not, you will fall and die. Oops. Just repeat until you make it. Follow the path, jump over the boxes, and use the floating trees to reach the other side. My only advice is not to fall. Kill one of the Mukas up ahead in order to complete the level requirement and move along. Make sure to touch the final checkpoint! My suggestion for this next part is to simply run and jump the birds. It’s that easy. This next part may take a few tries. Get a running start, and jump towards the Muka box floating father ahead. I aim to hang on the side, but if you think you can land on it safely, go ahead. If you’re lucky enough to grab it and pull yourself up, jump onto the other box, and then onto the platform. At this point, the level is basically over. Go off the ramp and enter the green room ahead. Jump up the incredibly easy blocks, and then follow the path in front of you. Soon enough you will reach a golden Triforce. Simply climb up the side of it, and you’re done!

I might make it sound easy, but it’s not as hard as some people say. Yes, it will take a few tries. It took me three hours, but this was before the checkpoint was added before the rocks. Officially, I was the first to ever beat the level. Playing something for three hours gave me the chance to recognize the true skill (and patience) it takes to do something like this. Great job, Gary!

For those of you involved in the first round of the Atlympics, you may now enter your levels. Information on how to do this can be found here: – Good luck to everyone involved in Round 1! It looks like there will be some interesting matches.

I’m sorry to point this out again, but at the time of writing, The Atmosphirian board has disappeared from page one of the topics. I was afraid of this happening, but some things can’t be helped. In this case, however, it can be. Please, for the sake of the Atmosphiran, leave a post of comment on the thread in order to keep it alive! The thread can be found here:

As another note, I will be leaving for vacation tomorrow. I’m unsure if I will have internet access there or not. I am also unsure if I will have the time. I will try my best, however.

Thanks for reading everyone, and keep Atmosphiring.

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