Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Interview with Head Moderator Adz

Today the Atmosphirian has the pleasure to post an interview held with one of Atmosphir’s busiest members, Adz. A few months ago, he was selected as the Player of the Week by the Atmosphirian. He graciously accepted my invitation, and our interview took place on December 2, 2009, through private messages on IRC.

Colinnn: As one of Atmosphir's first members, you've been with the game for quite awhile. What would you say has been the best part of being around the community/game for so long?

Adz: I really have enjoyed seeing the community and the game itself evolve over time. The levels that the community has created have gotten better and better over time, and I really look forward to seeing what people do with Stratosphir.

Colinnn: Last August, you were promoted to Head Moderator. What exactly does this mean? Do you enjoy your new job?

Adz: As Head Moderator, this means that I am able to moderate all sections (obviously), but it also means I am in charge of the other moderators too. In a way, I am in charge of the whole community, and it doesn't come without its stresses and tough decisions. But I really enjoy being able to give something back to both the community and MiSt. I also enjoy being able to speak directly with Dave. :)

Colinnn: The community generally agrees that you never seem to be away from the forums. Do you ever take breaks? What else do you enjoy doing?

Adz: The main reason it appears that I am always on the forums is that I am able to access the forums wherever I go. At work I am able to keep the forums in the background, and at home, I have both my computers and consoles next to each other. I particularly enjoy playing games on my PS3 (I only tend to use my Xbox or Wii if there is a good console exclusive game). I am currently playing the MAG beta, an awesome FPS like C.O.D Modern Warfare, only with 256 players on one map. Absolutely stunning to play. I also spend a fair amount of time with my wonderful girlfriend, who currently is away at Oxford University, but comes back this Saturday :D

Colinnn: As the community knows, Stratosphir is right around the corner. How do you feel about the upcoming release?

Adz: Stratosphir completely overshadows any other Atmosphir update in terms of features. The amount of things possible with these features is astounding. Whenever I think about what is possible, I always find myself coming up with new ideas. For example: imagine a running track of stone columns on their side. With the free rotate tool, they could be positioned in any way you want! Thanks to the long wait for the release of Stratosphir, the amount of anticipation for this is amazing; I can't wait to see how the community reacts when it comes out. That, and to see if MiSt's servers can withstand everyone flooding onto the site at once ;)

Colinnn: As head moderator, you have a great responsibility that many people admire. What would you say to members of the community that want to play a greater role in the community?

Adz: My advice would be to contribute in any way possible, whether it is making signatures (as I did) or commenting on levels, Writing reviews or just helping answer questions in the support board. As long as you are making a good impact and being noticed by community members, not just the moderators, then not only are you playing a greater role in the community, but also have a greater chance of being selected to join the Moderators and/or Editorial Staff.

Colinnn: Thanks for your time, Adz. Do you have any last words for the community?

Adz: I would like to say thank you to the community for being so great generally. And as a treat for getting 20 people on Colinnn's level, enjoy this screenshot:

Above: The latest Stratosphir screenshot.

The Atmosphirian is a news source written for the community, and as such, it is important to involve the people of this community. We have to hold many more interviews with various Atmosphir players and designers in the future.

Because this is a community effort, we value your feedback. If you wish to contact us to offer your opinions on an article, ask a question or just about anything else, feel free to tweet us at @atmosphirian or email us at

Thanks for reading, everyone!