Monday, November 9, 2009

Community Events: RAM Finale, New Atmosphir Logo, Website Changes, New Art Assets

With Project Stratosphir approaching quickly, the community is in a flurry of activity as final preparations are made Discussions are being held everywhere, plans are being made, and everyone is acting as if Christmas is tomorrow. Here’s a brief summary of what to look out for these days…

-Random Atmosphir Moments Finale. Kaiserg, long-time member of the Atmosphir community and Creative moderator, will be ending season two of his famous Random Atmosphir Moments (RAM) series this Friday, November 13. Keep an eye on his YouTube Channel, IslandNetwork, for the release at the end of the week. If you aren’t familiar with the series, take a moment to check out one of Atmosphir’s earliest machinima series. Kaiserg has also given the Atmosphirian exclusive rights to say that the third season of Random Atmosphir Moments will begin on New Year’s Day.

-New Atmosphir Logo. As some of you may have noticed, the new logo for Atmosphir has been released. As pointed out by Boberto in a topic on the forums, the new logo has several minor changes made to it.

(Left: Old Logo, Right: New Logo)

There are only two real changes that can be seen here. First, the shape of the flag has been altered to be more pointed, as opposed to the older rectangle. The new ladder is straight, as opposed to the older version, which had a different edge. Dave has stated that the glow effect on the new logo will not be seen everywhere.

-Website changes. While much of this is old news, the new aspects of the Atmosphir website are hot discussion topics. The most noticeable change is the new “Beta Signup Waiting List” button that has been added to the front page. Anyone who has tried to access the beta website will notice that it has been taken down. You will still be prompted to enter your beta sign up information, but no page will load when you are done. It is still possible to download Atmosphir, however. If you need to do so, please contact any moderator on the forums, and they will be able to help you. Have your beta login and password ready in case you will be asked for it.

(The New Beta Sign Up Waiting List Graphic)

-Art Assets. Dave (OkaySamurai) announced that the art assets for Project Stratosphir have been released, and can be downloaded here: These graphics will be used to design the new website, but may also be used for any purpose you see fit, so long as they are not commercial purposes. Some of these graphics are already being used around the site.

The events discussed above are only the beginnings for what is to come. As we anxiously await the release of Project Stratosphir, take some time to participate in community events. If nothing else, be sure to take a chance to join the Atmosphir IRC channel, #atmosphir, for a chance to chat with the rest of the community.

Thank you to everyone for reading!

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