Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween09 Voting, Fair Design Challenges, Atmosphirian News

Well everyone, the design period for Halloween09 has come to a close. With a total of 62 entries this time, it will be an interesting competition. Voting begins today and will continue until it is closed in a few days. As usual, send your votes to Atmosphirvote.

After the Small09 and Big09 results were announced, there seemed to be a wave of complaints that the design challenges were biased towards well-known designers, and that lesser-known designers did not receive the credit they deserved. Since then, a large debate has been started concerning the future of design challenge judging. Would you like to add to the debate? Post in this topic and give us your suggestions/criticisms:

However, the system for voting will remain the same for this challenge. However, if you’d like to be fair about voting, the biggest suggestion that can be made is simple: Play as many levels as possible before voting. Try playing levels by lesser-known designers, as well as the “pros.” You may be surprised to find something you like!

And now for a few notes from the Atmosphirian…

The Atmosphirian has been around for several months, yet it hasn’t entirely changed. The banners and colors have remained unchanged since day one. In true seasonal spirit, the scheme of this site has been altered to reflect the season of autumn. If you have any comments on the new design, please feel free to send us a message!

For the time being, it has been decided that the Atmosphirian will no long be doing Level of the Week reviews. I understand that this has not actually happened since mid-August. The reasoning behind this is that I (Colinnn) am a member of the Editorial Staff, and therefore write an article once a week on a level I think is deserving of a mention. If you’re interested in seeing which levels I am impressed by, please refer to and look for reviews written by me.

As usual, thanks for sticking with us everyone!

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