It’s been a
couple years since the Atmosphirian started as a simple little side project
that I thought I’d give a shot. I was never really much of a writer until the
day I started this blog. Soon enough, I found myself writing and writing. I
simply couldn’t get enough, especially when I saw the pleasure that it brought
so many people. My little project was growing into something much bigger and
better than I could have ever imagined, and that was terrific. But times
changed, and I got busier, and the posts slowed down, eventually stopping
If you’re
one of the old readers of the Atmosphirian, then welcome back. If you’re
someone new who has found this blog among the remains of civilization, welcome,
I was
walking around campus the other day, and randomly thought about the one thing
every college freshman thinks about: my major. Ever since I saw how much people
loved to read, I decided I wanted to become a writer so I could share
experiences. But writing falls into many majors, such as English, Creative
Writing… And journalism. Upon thinking of that last one, memories of the
Atmosphirian came to mind, and I realized that one day this blog just sort of
faded away, left untouched. The thought made me sad, realizing there was never
any real closure.
If you
haven’t heard much from the Atmosphir world, I left several months ago.
Pressures from school and life itself brought me to the decision to retire from
my Head Moderator position, step down from the Editorial Staff, and simply fade
away, never truly leaving yet not entirely present. I still stop by the site
every once in a while, never leaving any trace but glancing over things,
amused. Very little has changed in the months since I left. That was okay with
me, the Atmosphir I had fallen in love with long ago was scarcely present under
all of the flashy props and firearms. I keep telling myself I’ll go back
someday, even going as far as to download and open the game once more, but I
still haven’t felt that truly limitless inspiration that I used to feel so
backtracking a bit, I decided that I should finally wrap this one up. This
project reached greater heights than I could ever imagine; looking at the
pageviews as of now, there are 6234 recorded. Over six thousand views spread
over 75 posts… Wow, that really hit me. People enjoy reading about things they
care about, and as a writer, that’s really inspiring that such a small community
could visit that often.
So thank
you to everyone out there who made the Atmosphirian what it was, is, and will
be preserved as in my mind. I always said the Atmosphirian was for the people,
by the people, and that’s true. It got bigger and better because of all of you,
and my thankfulness can’t even be put into words.
Thank you
to Minor Studios for providing me with an opportunity to have something to
write about. It was a pleasure to represent the community for so long.
And thank
you to the future Atmosphir players and writers who continue to make projects
like this possible. If you’re considering writing about something, do it.
Chances are that there are people out there who are willing to listen to what
you have to say. Don’t get discouraged; it took the Atmosphirian nearly a month
of work to start gaining momentum. So too will yours if you put your heart into
it. Do it because you’re passionate. Do it because you care.
Do it
because you’re an Atmosphirian. For the people, by the people.